When you're apartment-hunting, things like amenities and security deposits are at the forefront of your mind.  But if you really want to pick the perfect Tuscaloosa apartment, you also need to think about online safety.


Because your important information can easily be stolen if you don't actively protect it!

For example, your Carbondale apartment complex may offer free WiFi down at the pool or inside the fitness center.  On the surface, this seems like a great amenity, right?  But in order to make sure it's truly as great as it sounds, you have to dig a little deeper.  Is this WiFi network public or secured?  If it's an open network, all of the information on your laptop or your smartphone is at risk every time you hop on the network.

Another online safety risk is the WiFi network in your specific apartment.  With so many people living next to, on top of, and below each other, everyone's WiFi network is going to be in range.  That means you have to take steps to protect yours.


The easiest way is to make sure that your WiFi network is password-protected.  To make sure you're really secure, choose a password that's at least 10 characters, and use a combination of numbers, symbols, upper-, and lowercase letters.

And, of course, you shouldn't make a habit of handing out your password.  After all, you worked so hard to think of a creative one!  But if your roommate has a giant group of people over and gives everyone the password, you can change it after they all leave.

Another way to create more safety online is to have your router installed near walls, instead of doors and windows.  Walls are thick enough to partially block your signal -- meaning that your WiFi won't travel as far as it would near a window or thin door.  That's importance because the farther your WiFi signal travels, the more people that can try to access it.

But your WiFi network isn't the only way that you could be at risk.  Another big part of your online safety is your social networks.

When you first arrive in Carbondale, you'll probably want to connect with as many people on social media as you can.  After all, you're here to meet new people, right?!  But just remember that everything you post on those social sites will be seen by every random person you follow, friend, or tag.  So, when your post says, "So excited to go on vacation for a week!!!" everyone will know that your apartment will be empty.  That's music to a burglar's ears!

Bottom line -- establish at least a few privacy settings on social media.  Combine them with the added security you can set up on your WiFi network, and you're well on your way to a safer online experience!

Apartments in Area:

Carbondale Apartment - Ashburn Court Apartments

Eff to 4 BDRM apartment in Carbondale, IL from $400 to $1175

Tuscaloosa Apartments Guide

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