Remember that security deposit you handed over when you got the keys to your new apartment in Carbondale?  If you want to get it back when you move out, you've got to take care of the place.  Your best bet?  To make cleaning a priority, instead of trying to deal with a major mess on move-out day.

Your apartment may not have to pass a white glove test, but there are things you can do consistently to keep it neat and tidy.  Just follow these tips to make it happen:

-  Do the little stuff every day

There are things that you can do every day to keep your apartment clean, and they only take a couple of seconds!  For example, when you finish eating dinner, wash the plate or rinse it off and stick it in the dishwasher.  It might be tempting to let a few dishes pile up, but scraping days-old food off of a stinky plate is no fun.

Another easy task that makes a big difference?  Wiping down your kitchen counters and table.  After all, having crumbs or old food smears won't impress that cutie you have coming over for a study date.

Also, be sure to take out your garbage on a regular basis.  The last thing you need is to share your apartment with a colony of bugs (or worse!).

-  Split up the big stuff

You and your roommate both have an obligation to keep your apartment clean, so divide up the big chores -- like vacuuming, mopping, and cleaning the bathrooms.  Trying to tackle the entire apartment all by yourself can be overwhelming, but if you know you've got help, it's not nearly as bad.  Just be sure to hold each other accountable for your chores!

-  Have a plan for your laundry

The minute you moved into your Carbondale apartment, you lost the privilege of having Mom do your laundry!  Letting dirty clothes pile up everywhere can turn your apartment into a stinky disaster area.  No one has fun doing laundry, but it's one of those things that you can't avoid 

Apartments in Area:

Carbondale Apartment - The Pointe at SIU

2 to 3 BDRM apartment in Carbondale, IL from $499 to $629

Carbondale Apartment - Ashburn Court Apartments

Eff to 4 BDRM apartment in Carbondale, IL from $400 to $1175

Tuscaloosa Apartments Guide

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